Why Travel To Australia?

Darryl Newby

Posted On 23 April 2019

You want to go travelling, but why Australia?

You’ve been thinking about it for a while. Your friends have done it, you’ve heard the stories and seen the Insta games improved. It’s the perfect time for you to go travelling but the question is, where do you want to spend the most of your time?

Let me tell you why Australia is the place for your big travel…

It’s English Speaking

I’m aware that English isn’t the first language of everyone reading this, but it’s a hell of a lot of people’s second language. So what?

Well if it’s your first language, and this is your first real travel experience/working holiday, it makes it a lot easier if you can ask for directions, order from a menu or more importantly, ask for a beer in your own language.

Going out of your comfort zone will enhance your experience but that can still be done in other ways. If this was my first working holiday, I’d be a little nervous and I’d pick an English speaking place over Japan for example.

If it’s your second language, this still applies but it also forces you out of your comfort zone a little too, as well as puts an importance on using and improving your English, which will only be a huge benefit to you. Win Win I say!

It’s Far Away, bear with me here…

It seems like only a sentence or so ago we were speaking about comfort zones… Oh it was.

There’s a whole world out there and there’s a lot to see, a lot to taste, a lot to do and a lot of wonderful people to meet. Some of these are far away and some of them are on our doorstep.

Due to Australia’s isolated location, I’m pretty confident in saying that it’s pretty far away from where you are and that is a huge positive.

While at first it may seem scary, there’s definitely something liberating about being on a sometimes seemingly impossible timezone to your family and friends.

I know on a personal note, being at University an hour or so away from home meant if I really needed anything, I could easily make it home. This means I always had that safety net which in some ways can be a bad thing.

Being on the other side of the world means you are going to have to make some snap decisions alone, which is definitely a good thing. 

It has everything, it’s basically a continent!

So lets say that you’re someone that likes everything. You love City breaks, country hikes, adrenaline sports and even beach time. Holidays are a nightmare for you to decide on because there are so many places and so many things you want to experience.

Ahem. Australia literally has it all.

Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne are all consistently voted in the top 10 most liveable Cities in the world and are fantastic Cities to visit.

If you’re a beach person then Australia should work for you, I mean if you went to a different beach for every day of the year, you’d fill your time for around 29 years so you should be ok.

If City and Beach time is a bit low-key and you’re an adrenaline junkie then this country works for you for sure. You can Skydive in 15-20 places, AJ Hackett has a bungy site and both NSW and North Queensland have fantastic White Water Rafting opportunities.

Aussies love the outdoors and there are so many opportunities to generally be active, whether it is adrenaline-fuelled or not.

They have opportunities to try kayaking, paragliding, surfing, caving, canyoning, abseiling, horse riding and zip-lining, basically EVERYTHING.

There are a lot of places in the world where people say’ I want to go there to do x, y and z’ the great thing about Australia is it has so many of those things.

So whether it’s scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, a classy weekend of tasting food and wine in Melbourne or swag camping and crocodile spotting in the Northern Territory

I’ll say it again, Australia has it all.

It Pays Well


Wherever you are in the world and wherever you’re going travelling, something we all should have in common is working the long hours and cutting back the luxuries to ensure you maximise that dream trip overseas.

As I just mentioned, not only is it a massive country, there’s hell of a lot to do in Australia meaning it’s always good to have the opportunity to top up the travel funds, and that’s exactly what you can do here.

Any visa where you have the opportunity to work should not be taken for granted. You are basically being given a chance to keep extending your exploring, and at the same time gain a new life experience by working in a foreign country, again, perhaps out of your comfort zone.

Now if that doesn’t sound great enough, how about Australia’s minimum wage and cost of living?

With a minimum casual wage of $24.36, it’s a great place to come to travel and then top up the travel fund (maybe more than once!) for another adventure of a lifetime.

If you don’t know about the wage and cost of living, check out this blog HERE.


Written By

Darryl Newby

Travelled to Australia from the UK in 2010 for what was supposed to be a 6 month visit…that didn’t quite go to plan. He now calls Melbourne home, co-founded Welcome to Travel and is a proud dog dad to his pug, Harvey.

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