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Australia Advice

Here at Welcome to Travel, we have been in your shoes so we know the questions that travel planning can throw up. We are the Australia experts and we want to offer as much support as possible to empower you with your decisions.

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Yes! Because Australia is a safe country and with so many incredible places to visit, it’s very popular with solo travellers. Our tours are perfect for solo travellers as they’re a great way to meet people and become comfortable with Australia.

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Any time! Australia is so big that it is always warm somewhere. The official Summer is Dec-Feb but down South (Melbourne and Sydney) it is generally good weather from Oct-Mar. Although it gets cooler after that, the North of Australia is always warm. When it’s summer down South, the North has it’s wet season, meaning when it’s winter down South, it’s actually the dry season up North, and that’s why we say any time!

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Yes you do! If you’re coming here just as a tourist to visit Australia, you’ll need a Visitor Visa. 

If you’re coming here to work while you’re on holiday, you’ll need either a Working Holiday Visa (417) or a Work and Holiday Visa (462), depending on which country you’re from. 

You can find more information and a list of the various visas here.

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We recommend organising this as soon as possible.

The application can be completed through your travel agent, or directly through the same Australian Government website as above.  We always recommend checking Australian Government website for any specific enquiries.

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This depends on trip length, your travel style (backpacker or flashpacker) and what you are wanting to experience here in Australia.

According to the Australian Government, you need $5,000AUD in your bank account on arrival if you’re coming on a Working Holiday visa. This is a good savings target if you are wanting to either travel for a month or set yourself up for working and living in Australia after the Welcome To Travel week. 

However, everybody is different and to give yourself the best chance of experiencing as many things as possible in Australia, we would recommend just saving up as much as possible before you come travelling.

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This is basically a personal identity number created for you by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). It is required if you want to work in Australia, so that you can be correctly taxed on your income from day one. 

You will provide this number to each employer you have while you are in Australia and your tax will be deducted from your wage accordingly, just as it would be in your home country.

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If you’re travelling as a tourist for just a few weeks, you don’t need one – a pre-loaded travel cash card will work just fine!

If you’re here for a longer period of time (for example, on a Working Holiday Visa) then it’s highly recommended to open an Australian bank account. Not only will you save a lot on exchange/transaction fees, but employers will only pay wages into an Australian account. It’s also an extremely easy process that we will organise for you on our tours.

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Medicare is Australia’s health care scheme, which allows Australians and some overseas visitors to access certain health services at little or no cost.

Only a handful of countries are eligible to apply for Medicare in Australia, including:

Belgium, Finland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, The Republic of Ireland, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom

Click HERE to see details for eligibility and details for enrolment, such as what documents you will need to bring to service centres. If you are joining one of our tours then we will also explain this in more detail when you arrive and point you in the right direction.

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